Interview with director of Last Chance, Nate Cerwinske 🎤

Interview with director of Last Chance, Nate Cerwinske 🎤

If the name Nate Cerwinske rings a bell it might be because you recognise him from his popular YouTube channel where he became known for ‘destroying local gyms’ with his impressive weightlifting.

Today and Nate has turned his skills from editing YouTube videos to filming and editing weightlifting documentaries for WLHOUSE TV.

His first, “Last Chance ep.1 | Hampton Morris” is out now. 

1) What do you hope the audience gains from watching your first official documentary?

I hope the audience can recognize how the Morris team epitomizes a perfect storm. You have an athlete with unwavering confidence and a commitment to doing the right things, including all the small things, consistently for years. Coupled with that, you have a parent/coach willing to go through it all with them and uphold that standard for years on end. The incredible teamwork between the two of them is truly remarkable. Weightlifting is often seen as an individual sport, but it really takes a lot of support outside of that as well. I also hope people see how incredibly deserving they are of the success that has come and continues to come their way.

2) Do you have any favourite moments from the doc?

One of the most memorable moments was filming him breaking the world record. I had the privilege of close access to Hampton and his dad. I was amazed to be in the back room and athlete rest area. I kept thinking, 'How did I end up here?' 

I recall the last-minute decision to film the first event. The plane ticket was around $700, nearly draining my account, and I almost didn’t go. My girlfriend, Daisy, encouraged me to take the leap. I’m so grateful for her push and that initial trip to Georgia with the Morris family, which opened up this incredible opportunity. 

Beyond that, working with the Weightlifting House Team was an enriching experience. I tried to absorb everything and learn as much as possible.

3) How has the feedback from the weightlifting community been so far? 

So far, I haven’t received much feedback yet. Publishing this way is quite different from YouTube, where instant comments reveal what people think. It might be a blessing not to get immediate feedback but I’d also love to see and hear some as it fires me up so tag me on IG!

4) What was the most challenging part about filming this for you?

The most challenging aspect of filming I'd say for anything like this is finding the balance between capturing the best, most raw moments and staying out of the way. I always approached it with the mindset that the actual outcome of the character’s competition or event, and even their comfort, was more important than any shot or the documentary itself. I constantly tried to read the room and adapt to the situation. 

Sometimes I was a fly on the wall, quietly observing; other times, I was a listening ear or a friend to pass the time with. At times, I even helped out by loading a bar or grabbing water. There are many roles you find yourself playing all of which are great and part of the experience. For example, before Hampton and I went for dim sum on the night of his competition, Meso came up to congratulate him. I thought, “This would be a great shot for the documentary,” but I also felt it would be awkward and intrusive to record their interaction. Some moments are best left untouched. 

5) What are your next plans for documentary making?

Next, I plan to finish the projects we started in Phuket. Before this opportunity, I began another documentary about a lifter from my gym named Becky Huston, focusing on the realities of weightlifting in America. It highlights the social, emotional, and financial struggles she faces while continuing to train because of her love for the sport and the positive impact it has on her life and I’d like to potentially retouch on that. My friends have also been urging me to reach out to Suga Sean, who also lives in Arizona. It’s a long shot, but it would be amazing to capture a serious side of him.


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